East Asian Medicine
Acupuncture is a technique in which a fine needle is inserted into the skin to stimulate energetic channels of the body known as meridians. This technique can be used to treat pain, digestive issues, mental health concerns, lowered immune function, and more. In some styles of acupuncture, non-insertive needles (teishin) are used to stimulate the acupuncture points. Different styles can be used to meet the specific needs of the patient.
Moxibustion involves burning ground mugwort on certain areas of the body. This technique goes hand in hand with acupuncture to stimulate the bodies natural healing abilities. Patients often find this treatment deeply relaxing.
Cupping / Gua Sha
Gua Sha and Cupping are techniques that involve scraping the skin or applying suctioning cups to the the skin. This allows blood to rise to the surface resulting in a reduction in both chronic and sub-acute pain. This technique may also be used to stimulate the immune system, reduce inflammation, oxidative and muscular stress.
Chinese herbal medicine is used to bring the body's energy (qi) back into balance. Herbal medicine is particularly useful in addressing a patients inner landscape and resolving root imbalances that lead to their symptom presentation.